Wednesday October 29 – Downey’s Farm

My friend Gail, a retired teacher, has been working as a school tour guide at Downey’s Farm this fall and loving it.  She gave me a free pass for one child to visit Pumpkinfest.  The weather wasn’t great today, but Pumpkinfest ends on Friday so as soon as Owen arrived home from school we headed out.

It is much more elaborate than the last time we were there in 2008.  Wasn’t Owen adorable?

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There was a lot to do.  A band of skeletons played for us.

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Duck races.

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We had a great time races these bikes around a track.

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Here we are about to enter the corn maze.

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It was huge.  Here’s a aerial view of the maze.

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There were still pumpkins in the field.

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The haunted house was fun.  The ogre actually scared Owen when he rose up and growled.

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A giant spider web entrance has been incorporated into the old goat mountain that was there years ago.

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There were goats, sheep, cows, chickens and rabbits to pet. Stop eating my coat you silly goat.

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Owen loved the rabbits.

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There were a couple massive boxes of gourds.

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We finished up with coffee, hot chocolate and baked goods which we ate in the car.  There is no where to eat inside and we were quite chilled by the time we finished.

Michael’s mother died this evening, peacefully, while he was with her.  She was 80 years old.




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