We managed to leave the house about 9:10 this morning, and drove to an area, north of which Cindy and I had cycled last year, when we stayed in Hillsburgh.

This bike was cut and mounted to make it seem like the tree had engulfed it.

It was another ride with lots of gravel, but mostly we could find a line where the gravel was somewhat pushed to the side.

There’s a lot of golden rod around, which makes for colourful scenes.

We passed these guys, wearing bells that sounded like bike bells, on a very narrow road that led to bridge abutments with no bridge deck, prior to where we had planned to turn around, so we were unable to collect the tile from this side, and needed to amend our route later on to collect it from the other side.

Cindy is ready to head out from the closed bridge. We have encountered quite a few closed bridges in the area.

This abandoned house was nearby.

Our ride was 58 km, and with the exception of a kilometre on highway 10, we had very few cars passed us, and were able to travelling kilometres at a time with without encountering any motor vehicles.

Even on the paved road, we rarely encountered cars.

Once you get north of Highway 9 the land is quite flat, and we encountered very few hills on the ride, and quite a few wind turbines.

Cindy and Barry are waiting patiently for me to take a picture of the turbines.

We passed a couple autumn displays. And this crooked little shed outside of woodworking business.

We passed by the Dufferin Gray ATV Trail, which runs from Orangeville to Chatsworth. Last year Cindy and I saw a section closer to Orangeville, which we absolutely would not be willing to ride, but this section looked alright.

Barry got a slow flat he was able to pump up twice, but which eventually completely flattened, and he had to change the tube.

We had a moment of relief from the gravel on the concrete surface of this bridge.

Once again the route was entirely rural with nowhere to stop for food, and the scenery consisting mostly of farms and farm buildings. It’s a pleasant change from suburbia.

We were back at the house for coffee and dinner, finishing up with a relaxing soak in the hot tub.

Rusty didn’t come home last night, or all day today, but finally showed up just as we were getting ready for bed, and apparently needed some human company after his long absence.

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