Brampton roads have been significantly overbuilt leading to speeding, aggressive driving, high building and maintenance cost due to the width of the roadway, stormwater management issues, and injuries and deaths among drivers, as well as vulnerable road users. The key strategy of Brampton’s Active Transportation Master Plan, which was passed unanimously in 2019, was toContinue reading “Bill 212 – Multi-use paths versus On-Road Bike Lanes”
Tag Archives: cycling
Bill 212 Bike Rally and Request for Action
To my friends and family, and others who enjoy reading my blog to follow my travels by bike, I want to let you know how much I appreciate you taking the time to follow me, when there are so many things online demanding your attention. I began writing this blog to be more mindful ofContinue reading “Bill 212 Bike Rally and Request for Action”
Prince Edward County – Day 5 – Trenton via The Millenium Trail
We had a great variety of temperatures for our trip this week. I brought one pair of bike shorts, one pair of long cycling tights, and one pair of fleecy winter cycling tights. I wore all three. Today I wore the winter ones. Since we are returning to Brampton today we decided to just doContinue reading “Prince Edward County – Day 5 – Trenton via The Millenium Trail”
Prince Edward County – Day 4 – Millenium Trail to Wellington
The sun came out just before 9am this morning, and looked quite lovely under the mostly cloudy sky. Over the day we had a few moments when the sun emerged again, but it was mostly overcast. Oakley continues to be anxious, and has been chewing her leg. We found some tape and wrapped it upContinue reading “Prince Edward County – Day 4 – Millenium Trail to Wellington”
Prince Edward County – Day 3 – Codrington to Campbellford
Two years ago when we were in Peterborough, I planned a ride to Ranney Gorge, but we had more rides planned than we had days, and on the final day when choosing where to ride, none of us felt like a gran fondo, a 100 km ride. When planning this trip I recalled Ranney Gorge,Continue reading “Prince Edward County – Day 3 – Codrington to Campbellford”
Prince Edward County – Day 2 – Base 31, Picton, and Lake on the Mountain
We had a slow start this morning: the weather was a lovely 18° by the time we set out. We drove about 40 minutes east to Base31 where we parked and started our ride. Base31 operated as a military air training base until 1969. The site was acquired by PEC Community Partners in December 2021.Continue reading “Prince Edward County – Day 2 – Base 31, Picton, and Lake on the Mountain”
Hillsburgh 2024 – Day 6 – Lake Belwood
On our final day, Barry wanted to get some tiles close to where we were staying, that Cindy and I had from a previous trip. Cindy and I wanted to do a ride around Lake Belwood, so we split up for the day. Cindy and I drove part of the way to the lake becauseContinue reading “Hillsburgh 2024 – Day 6 – Lake Belwood”
Hillsburgh 2024 – Day 5 – Waldemar to Arthur
The day started with Willy and Rusty in our bed. After four days of driving on gravel roads, my car is absolutely filthy. We were originally going to do a ride in Mono Township today, but yesterday when we were having coffee, we met a group of cyclists that mentioned the Upper Grand Trailway, aContinue reading “Hillsburgh 2024 – Day 5 – Waldemar to Arthur”
Hillsburgh 2024 – Day 4
We drove about 15 minutes to save 30 km of riding for a planned 46 km ride. The scenery continued to be rural and pastoral. Within a kilometre or so of leaving the car, we encountered this newly surfaced road that was very wet, very uncomfortable to ride on, and made our bikes filthy. IContinue reading “Hillsburgh 2024 – Day 4”
Hillsburgh 2024 – Day 3
We managed to leave the house about 9:10 this morning, and drove to an area, north of which Cindy and I had cycled last year, when we stayed in Hillsburgh. This bike was cut and mounted to make it seem like the tree had engulfed it. It was another ride with lots of gravel, butContinue reading “Hillsburgh 2024 – Day 3”