Mont-Tremblant – Day 9 – Ottawa

Apologies dear readers for leaving yesterday’s blog on a cliffhanger and taking a few days to write today’s. We decided to take a walk before breakfast, to retrace last night’s walk, to try to find Cindy‘s key card. The first place we stopped was the bridge on Laurier Avenue over the canal where I sawContinue reading “Mont-Tremblant – Day 9 – Ottawa”

Mont-Tremblant – Day 8 – Ottawa

The heat wave was forecast to continue so we planned to do a 14 km ride I found on the “Ottawa Rural Routes” Ride with GPS account, followed by a visit to the air conditioned comfort of the National Gallery of Art. I love the spiral staircase at Laurier Avenue. We turned too soon asContinue reading “Mont-Tremblant – Day 8 – Ottawa”