Sunday April 26 – Failing to Climb the Escarpment

Patti and I have signed up for Spin the Lakes on May 23 near Huntsville.  It starts at Hidden Valley resort, and they have a deal with the resort for participants to stay at a reduced rate, so we will drive north on Friday, stay overnight, ride and head home after the ride. The routesContinue reading “Sunday April 26 – Failing to Climb the Escarpment”

Sunday April 19 – Riding the Humber, Again

On my second ride down the Humber this year,  I invited Patti to come along.  I mapped the ride from the Toronto Public Library on Humberwood Boulevard down to the lake and found it to be 50km return.  We weren’t sure if we could go that far this early in the season but decided toContinue reading “Sunday April 19 – Riding the Humber, Again”

Sunday March 30 – Riding the Humber

Years ago, before the Humber River Trail, went under the 401, I rode a part of it with Patti.  We didn’t go far.  My  only strong recollection is pushing our bikes along the sidewalk over the 401 and how noisy it was.  Patti’s recollection is that we got ice cream at Dairy Queen on WestonContinue reading “Sunday March 30 – Riding the Humber”