Rochester – Day 4

The day dawned beautifully sunny with a forecast high of 24°. We packed, checked out, and drove to Pittsford New York, a small town, which is part of the greater Rochester area, on the Erie Canal. The Eastman museum was on the way, and we stopped briefly to take a picture in the sun. TheContinue reading “Rochester – Day 4”

Rochester – Day 3

It was raining when we woke up, and had been forecast to do so when we went to bed last night, so we planned to visit the Eastman Museum. The rain had stopped by the time we were ready to leave the room, but the roads were still very wet, and heavy rain was predictedContinue reading “Rochester – Day 3”

Rochester- Day 2

It’s easy to forget that Covid is still circulating and continues to be a potentially deadly and disabling disease. I caught it for the first time at the end of March of this year. I would preferred not to catch it again . One of the things that I do help me evaluate risk isContinue reading “Rochester- Day 2”

Rochester – Day 1

Michael and I decided to do a getaway to Rochester for his birthday. I had been to Rochester twice before, with Patti in 2013 and 2014, but Michael had never been there. I didn’t have particularly strong memories of the city. The ones I had included an impression of a city in decline caused byContinue reading “Rochester – Day 1”