Erie Canalway – Day 4 – Lockport to Rochester

The forecast high today was predicted to reach 31 so we decided to be on the road by 7 AM. We were staying just outside of Lockport with only a short ride from the hotel on roads to get to the trail. We passed the lovely county office building, and shortly thereafter came to theContinue reading “Erie Canalway – Day 4 – Lockport to Rochester”

Erie Canalway – Day 3 – Buffalo to Lockport

As I began to upload pictures to my website after writing the text for day three, my website crashed. My son does all the technical stuff for me so I contacted him, but it ended up taking weeks to sort out the issue and get it back online. So I continued to choose the picturesContinue reading “Erie Canalway – Day 3 – Buffalo to Lockport”

Rochester – Day 3

It was raining when we woke up, and had been forecast to do so when we went to bed last night, so we planned to visit the Eastman Museum. The rain had stopped by the time we were ready to leave the room, but the roads were still very wet, and heavy rain was predictedContinue reading “Rochester – Day 3”

Rochester- Day 2

It’s easy to forget that Covid is still circulating and continues to be a potentially deadly and disabling disease. I caught it for the first time at the end of March of this year. I would preferred not to catch it again . One of the things that I do help me evaluate risk isContinue reading “Rochester- Day 2”

Rochester – Day 1

Michael and I decided to do a getaway to Rochester for his birthday. I had been to Rochester twice before, with Patti in 2013 and 2014, but Michael had never been there. I didn’t have particularly strong memories of the city. The ones I had included an impression of a city in decline caused byContinue reading “Rochester – Day 1”

New York City – Day 9

Park Avenue at 40th Street rises up to the second level of Grand Central Station. It then curves around to the east and then emerges at 46th Street, through the Helmsley building, coming down a ramp within the building. Southbound the road curves around the west side of the buildings. It’s a scene familiar toContinue reading “New York City – Day 9”

New York City – Day 8

There is a constant cacophony of car horns around Grand Central Station and our hotel. However, this morning it had fallen silent. We opened the curtains to a bright sunny day and an empty 42nd St. We could see traffic cones and runners on the street. I wondered if it was an Open Streets orContinue reading “New York City – Day 8”

New York City – Day 7

When I opened the curtains this morning I could only see a few blocks due to thick fog. Last night when I went to sleep rain was forecast for the day today, but by the time I finished breakfast the fog was clearing and there was no longer rain in the forecast. We took ourContinue reading “New York City – Day 7”

New York City – Day 6

The day dawned bright and sunny with the promise of a warm spring afternoon despite the fact that it’s still winter. I had breakfast in the room, but today Michael took the day off work, so I got to play tour guide with my newfound New York knowledge. We took the subway to The 34thContinue reading “New York City – Day 6”

New York City – Day 5

I had hoped that the weather forecast would prove to be wrong, but when I opened the curtains this morning I couldn’t see the river. It was overcast and the street was wet. I couldn’t tell from the 31st floor whether or not it was raining. I spent some time trying to motivate myself toContinue reading “New York City – Day 5”