Monday, October 20 – Schomberg

Today I met my friend Jennifer in Schomberg for lunch.  It is about half way between her home in Barrie and mine.  Jennifer and I met when Megan and Jennifer’s daughter Emily were in Junior Kindergarten together.  Her son Jacob is the same age as Alun and her daughter Abigail is the same age asContinue reading “Monday, October 20 – Schomberg”

Friday October 17 – Sheridan Campus Oakville Visit

Today Megan, Michael and I visited the Sheridan Campus in Oakville.  We picked up Megan from school just before lunch and headed to Oakville.  We parked and checked in at the Student Tours office to give them our license plate so we didn’t get ticketed.  Then we went to The Marketplace for lunch.  Just likeContinue reading “Friday October 17 – Sheridan Campus Oakville Visit”

Friday October 3 – Humber College North Campus Visit

Today Megan and I visited the Humber College North Campus.  It is one of five campuses that we plan to visit to help Megan decide where to go next year. The campus is quite close to home – only about 15 minutes by car – and easily accessible by public transit. I was surprised toContinue reading “Friday October 3 – Humber College North Campus Visit”

Saturday October 18 – Climbing the CN Tower

In early October 2007 Megan asked me if we could climb the CN Tower.  I didn’t know, but told her I would look into it.  I found out that The Toronto United Way holds a climb for fundraising every October.  Alun expressed an interest in going, too.  I researched how many stairs had to beContinue reading “Saturday October 18 – Climbing the CN Tower”

Gas Price War

When I was out running errands this morning, I came across gas for $1.096!  I can’t remember when it was last under $1.10.  This is at the Esso at Richvale Drive South, which for months have been running cheaper than the one near me.  Today, the one by me was $1.179.  I filled up evenContinue reading “Gas Price War”

Wednesday, October 15 – Happy Birthday Dad

It is my dad’s 81st birthday on Sunday October 19 so today Lara and I took him out for lunch at Panera Bread in Mississauga. I love their Autumn Squash soup. Over the years I have found it difficult to find a creative gift for my father.  It’s not that he is hard to buyContinue reading “Wednesday, October 15 – Happy Birthday Dad”


I had a lovely ride for coffee up to Caledon East to my usual stop at Gabe’s Country Bake Shop.  As I pedal north, I anticipate the coffee and think about what I will choose to eat with it.    The sky was blue, and while the leaves were changing, there is still a lot ofContinue reading “Thanksgiving”

Summer is Over

There was frost on the roof this morning when I got up.  I dressed in my warm running tights to go meet Patti for our Saturday morning run.  Patti tells me she had to scrape frost off her windows before driving.  It was sunny and still so it didn’t feel as cold as it was.Continue reading “Summer is Over”