Cycling Goal Achieved

The light was glorious this morning as I prepared to leave the house to meet Patti for our first ride together since we each acquired a road bike.


We rode the Etobicoke Creek Trail from County Court Boulevard in the south to just north of Conservation Drive in the north for a total ride of just over 31 kilometres.  It was 10 degrees, but it felt cooler with the wind, dampness and overcast conditions.  My toes were quite cold by the end of the ride.

I had two goals for cycling this year.  The first was to ride the 100 kilometre route in the Tour de Mississauga, which I did on September 21.  The second was to ride 2000 kilometres in 2014, which is about 400 more than my previous personal best.  When I returned home today I checked Mapmyride and I have now surpassed my goal by 80 kilometres.  Done and done.

Next year I have three goals:

1.  Ride the 120 km route in the Tour de Mississauga,

2.  Ride 100km each day for two consecutive days, and

3.  Ride 3000 km in 2015


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