Thursday January 1 – New Year’s Day

We had lots of help cleaning up the party last night including help from 11 year old Ariel and 9 year old Olivia who were having so much fun being up late that they preferred to help clean rather than go to bed.  The food was put away, the dishes cleared and washed and theContinue reading “Thursday January 1 – New Year’s Day”

Wednesday December 31 – New Year’s Eve

Our overnight guests arrived last night and were very helpful in preparing for our annual New Year’s Eve party.  They brought Trystan with them.  He had been staying in St. Thomas with them since Boxing Day. Here’s a picture of Trystan and me. We have been having a New Year’s Eve party since 1999 whenContinue reading “Wednesday December 31 – New Year’s Eve”

Monday, October 20 – Schomberg

Today I met my friend Jennifer in Schomberg for lunch.  It is about half way between her home in Barrie and mine.  Jennifer and I met when Megan and Jennifer’s daughter Emily were in Junior Kindergarten together.  Her son Jacob is the same age as Alun and her daughter Abigail is the same age asContinue reading “Monday, October 20 – Schomberg”

Great Summer Day

My friend Victoria and her children from St. Thomas are visiting us this week. One of the activities we always do when they visit is go for a bike ride. Here we are about to head out. It always surprises me how long it takes us to get going. Sunscreen needs to be applied. ShoesContinue reading “Great Summer Day”