We had lots of help cleaning up the party last night including help from 11 year old Ariel and 9 year old Olivia who were having so much fun being up late that they preferred to help clean rather than go to bed. The food was put away, the dishes cleared and washed and the floors vacuumed by 1:30 am. I went to bed, but left Michael, Megan, Kevin and Victoria in front of the TV where they watched a movie before sleeping.
I woke up at 6am with a headache even though I drank nothing last night. It’s not fair. I took some Tylenol with caffeine and slept until 9am. Thankfully the headache was gone when I re-awoke.
For years the Williams’ family has been staying with us when they come to the Toronto area and Michael usually cooks everyone a Big Breakfast. Shawna, who normally eats almost nothing, always asks for Big Breakfast when she comes. Since the other adults stayed up hours longer than I did I got up and cooked.
After that we had a relatively lazy day. The house is comfortably full when the Williams’ visit with the four adults and eight children aged from four to seventeen. My children usually help to look after the younger Williams’ children.
The guys hung out in the family room having a Star Wars movie marathon with some of the children and Victoria and I hung out in the kitchen playing Banagrams and Monopoly with the other children.
We ate leftover New Year’s Eve food all day long. It was a satisfying way to start 2015.
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