The weather turned cold and windy on the island today, our day for travelling home. We were so fortunate to have seven great days of cycling. There were two rainstorms, but we managed to miss them both, by consulting radar and heading out at the ideal time. My wrist continues to improve with the bruisingContinue reading “Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey – Travelling Home”
Monthly Archives: September 2020
Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey – Day 7
Rain was forecast all day today, with more in the afternoon than in the morning, for our final day on the island, so we decided to get an earlier start. We chose South Baymouth as our destination, an 86 km round trip ride from the cottage. Dayle and I decided to drive to Providence BayContinue reading “Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey – Day 7”
Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey – Day 6
We had a long day today with a drive to a hike, and then a loop ride to Little Current and back to the car. We didn’t get out of the cottage until about 10. We hiked at the Cup and Saucer starting just before 11. The information board said the hike was 4km, butContinue reading “Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey – Day 6”
Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey – Day 5
It seemed like we had so much time to explore when we arrived on Saturday, but it’s already Day 5 which leaves us with only two more cycling days. Today, as we were preparing to leave, it started thundering and pouring rain, so we stopped getting ready, and enjoyed the cottage, chat and our devices,Continue reading “Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey – Day 5”
Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey – Day 4
We decided to ride to the Westernmost settlement on the island today, Meldrum Bay. It was too far to ride there and back from the cottage – the guys decided to do a gran fondo, and Dayle and I, decided on 60km. They headed out earlier than us, in Wayne’s car, and started riding whileContinue reading “Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey – Day 4”
Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey – Day 3
My wrist continued to improve today, but still required me to ride one handed most of the day. We decided to ride to Gore Bay. The Manitoulin Island Cycling Association has 14 routes published on their website. We decided to do the Gore Bay-Lake Wolsey Circuit. It was about the distance I felt I couldContinue reading “Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey – Day 3”
Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey- Day 2
My wrist was less painful this morning, but more swollen, and became even more so as I ate and dressed. I was unable to get the prescribed thumb splint in Mindemoya yesterday, and was told by the pharmacist that I would need to go to Little Current which is 41km away from where we areContinue reading “Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey- Day 2”
Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey – Day 1
I wore the wrist brace while I slept, iced from time to time, and took ibuprofen. When I finally dragged myself out of bed after 8am, I was still unsure whether or not my wrist was broken. By the time I came downstairs Dayle already knew the hours and location of the local hospital, andContinue reading “Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey – Day 1”
Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey – Travel day
David, Dayle, Wayne and I are cycling on Manitoulin Island this year. We did some tentative planning in August but decided, given the pandemic, to wait until the travel week to book the trip. Sunday, we got together on a now ubiquitous Zoom call, and decided the trip was a go. Unfortunately, the two cottagesContinue reading “Manitoulin Cycling Odyssey – Travel day”