The weather turned cold and windy on the island today, our day for travelling home. We were so fortunate to have seven great days of cycling. There were two rainstorms, but we managed to miss them both, by consulting radar and heading out at the ideal time.

My wrist continues to improve with the bruising diminishing and swelling almost gone.

The forecast included rain as well as wind, so we put David, Dayle and my bikes inside the van, and packed the luggage around them. It was quite cozy in the middle row where I was sitting.

The drive to ferry was uneventful. We were required to verify we had a reservation and prove we had masks, which were required “shore to shore”. It was very well organized. Before boarding we used the bathroom on shore. Social bubbles lined up with two metres between bubbles. Each bubble was required to prove we had a reservation and then when a bathroom became available (either the men’s or women’s) the entire group entered at once.
The water was rough in the harbour.

We had about an hour to kill from arrival to loading. The Pierside, where we ate lunch yesterday, is right by the dock. There is also a shop, coffee shop and ice cream store. Many people visited the shop or restaurants while waiting.

The ferry arrived, unloaded and then it was out turn to load.

The ferry has a very large open deck with three lanes that can fit transport trucks and recreational vehicles, as well as cars. It also has an upper level for cars, vans and SUVs that is just a hallway full of cars on either side of the boat.

We found places to sit, out of the wind, up on deck. I stayed outside for the whole passage sitting at the stern.

Here we are leaving right on time at 11:10.

It was quite cool and we had warm and windproof clothes that allowed us to stay outside for the whole passage. Hard to believe I was wearing shorts yesterday.

The trip passed quickly. The whole experience was efficient and felt as safe as it could given the large number of people and the pandemic. I think it’s the most people I have been around since March.
There was a traffic jam getting out of town.

Wayne suggested a restaurant south of Owen Sound that has home cooking and would potentially be less crowded than one in Tobermory. Once again we ate on the patio. The weather was considerably warmer there and the sun had come out. Once again, we missed the rain.

It was a great trip with good weather, good riding, beautiful landscapes and great friends. I look forward to doing it again next June for the Manitoulin Passage Ride.
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