Awesome Autumn

It was an awesome autumn day for a ride in the country.  I headed up Torbram Road only to encounter a road closure that sent me across Countryside Road to Airport Road and then back across Mayfield Road to Torbram.  Riding on Mayfield is not for the faint of heart.  One SUV passed me withContinue reading “Awesome Autumn”

Busy Saturday

Patti and I met this morning to exercise for the first time in about a month.   She was away on vacation the past two Saturdays and the one before that had an appointment.  Prior to that we rode our bikes on the trail, as my knee was too swollen from falling off my bike toContinue reading “Busy Saturday”

Tour De Mississauga (#tourdemississauga)

What an awesome day I had today.  I have had the goal of riding the 100 kilometre route in the Tour de Mississauga today, since I rode the 60 kilometre route a year ago.  On July 1, I cycled 50 kilometres on my hybrid bike and was on track with my training programme.  However, asContinue reading “Tour De Mississauga (#tourdemississauga)”

Friday September 19 – Ontario University Fair Day

Today, Megan, Alun and I went to Toronto for the Ontario University Fair.  Megan has decided to apply to college, but needs to have two visits to these types of events for her Specialist High Skills Major designation on her high school diploma.  Alun is still a couple years away from needing to attend, butContinue reading “Friday September 19 – Ontario University Fair Day”

Sunday September 14 – Riding Up The Escarpment

Next Sunday I am signed up to ride the 100 kilometre route in the Tour de Mississauga.  Last year I did the 60 kilometre route on my hybrid bike.  This year I have a road bike, but fell off it and hurt my knee on my first ride with clipped in shoes.  I bruised theContinue reading “Sunday September 14 – Riding Up The Escarpment”

School Construction, Ice Storm Comparison and Climbing

The walls are finally going up at my children’s school this week.  Yesterday I counted twelve construction works on the site.  There might have been twelve visible on the site all summer if all the daily sightings were added together! Here are two pictures of the hardest hit street in my neighbourhood during the iceContinue reading “School Construction, Ice Storm Comparison and Climbing”

Wednesday September 10 – Carpool to the Climb

Tonight Trystan, Owen and I picked up my nephews, Jason and Ryan, and we had our third stair climbing training session at the hospital.  Before we got out of the car I took an usie (group selfie) to submit to this month’s Let Your Green Show contest for the carpool action.  Jason climbed up andContinue reading “Wednesday September 10 – Carpool to the Climb”

Friday September 5 – Ice Storm Update

Ice storm clean-up continues in Brampton.  Many damaged trees have yet to be cut down, let alone having their roots removed.  Who know when re-planting will begin.  We were fortunate as we have no ash trees which were the most damaged trees due to being compromised by the emerald ash borer.  Most of those treesContinue reading “Friday September 5 – Ice Storm Update”