Carabram Park Community Ice Rink – Continued

I opened the rink on January 16 from 4-8pm after four days of flooding.  It wasn’t perfect but it was good enough.  I was quite curious to see how it held up when I headed over to the park at 8pm for the evening maintenance.  Newman and I were the only volunteers that night andContinue reading “Carabram Park Community Ice Rink – Continued”

Sunday September 7 – Wicked and Some Toronto Theatre History

Alun likes musical theatre in general and Wicked in particular.  He often listens to the soundtrack on his phone.  When we learned that Wicked was coming to Toronto we asked him if he would like tickets for his birthday and he did.  So back in May, when tickets first went on sale, he and IContinue reading “Sunday September 7 – Wicked and Some Toronto Theatre History”