#2018ErieOdyssey – Day 6 – Ingersoll to Cambridge- Part 1

We had an amazing ride this morning with tailwinds on very lightly traveled, smooth roads, and then onto a rail trail, that was like a cycle super highway – paved and signed and surrounded by trees. It was wonderful. After lunch in Brantford the rail trail deteriorated, with gravel on most sections, and asphalt onContinue reading “#2018ErieOdyssey – Day 6 – Ingersoll to Cambridge- Part 1”

#2018ErieOdyssey – Day 5 – Port Stanley to Ingersoll

What a perfect day. It started cool, crisp, dry and sunny at the beach in Port Stanley. Breakfast was included with our rooms, and was as good as the dinner that we had last night. It did take a while to arrive, which caused us to leave later than we had planned, but with satisfiedContinue reading “#2018ErieOdyssey – Day 5 – Port Stanley to Ingersoll”

#2018ErieOdyssey – Day 4 – Turkey Point to Port Stanley

I had a much better day today and I think the others did, too. The headwinds continue to be strong and persistent but we waited until 9:30 AM to begin as that was when the rain ended and we didn’t have any rain the rest of the day. Just as we were about to startContinue reading “#2018ErieOdyssey – Day 4 – Turkey Point to Port Stanley”

#2018ErieOdyssey – Day 3 – Welland to Turkey Point

It was a tough day today. We thought it would be the rain that was the problem, but it was the winds that were crazy. Constant strong headwinds the whole way, especially once we started following the shore of Lake Erie. Rani and Nelson headed out by 7:15. It took them a while to workContinue reading “#2018ErieOdyssey – Day 3 – Welland to Turkey Point”

#2018ErieOdyssey – Day 2 – Hamilton to Welland – Part 2

After seeing off the rest of the group, I had a great latte and chocolate chip cookie at Balzac’s. Then I found my way to the canal road and made frequent stops to photograph the sights. I pulled over in a hurry when I saw the lift bridge closing. It was incredible to see theContinue reading “#2018ErieOdyssey – Day 2 – Hamilton to Welland – Part 2”

#2018ErieOdyssey – Day 2 – Hamilton to Welland – Part 1

We started with breakfast at Denny’s, then got on the road just after 9. It was supposed to be 9, but as we were loading the van I couldn’t find my camera. I searched my duffle bag, and the bags on my bike – no luck. I went back up to the room – noContinue reading “#2018ErieOdyssey – Day 2 – Hamilton to Welland – Part 1”

#2018ErieOdyssey – Day 1 – Greg’s Ride

I awoke feeling the worst of my cold is behind me, packed my last few things and my husband drove me to David and Dayle’s house. Wayne was already there. We loaded the last few things, took a picture and headed out. The morning was bright, clear and cool. A perfect day to ride. ItContinue reading “#2018ErieOdyssey – Day 1 – Greg’s Ride”

#2018ErieOdyssey – More Prep

#2018ErieOdyssey – Prep (in case you missed it) As I started pulling things together last night (Friday), I realized I was missing a couple things. I have so many things that need charging with micro USB cables – phone, camera, front and rear bike lights and two portable batteries – and I could only findContinue reading “#2018ErieOdyssey – More Prep”

#2018ErieOdyssey – Prepation

Last year I cycled home from Ottawa with a group of six others. It was an amazing trip. If you wish, you can read a summary I wrote for the Ontario Traffic Council’s quarterly magazine, or you can read the daily posts starting here. You can navigate through the posts from oldest to newest byContinue reading “#2018ErieOdyssey – Prepation”

Etobicoke Creek Trail: Kennedy Road to Mid-Way/Dixie

The Etobicoke Creek Trail has recently been expanded from east of Kennedy to Mount Charles Park in Mississauga. The path is prepared for paving which is expected to happen in October 2018. The red line on the map below shows the route. The line between the two downward pointing arrows is the section awaiting paving.Continue reading “Etobicoke Creek Trail: Kennedy Road to Mid-Way/Dixie”