Etobicoke Creek Trail: Kennedy Road to Mid-Way/Dixie

The Etobicoke Creek Trail has recently been expanded from east of Kennedy to Mount Charles Park in Mississauga. The path is prepared for paving which is expected to happen in October 2018. The red line on the map below shows the route. The line between the two downward pointing arrows is the section awaiting paving.Continue reading “Etobicoke Creek Trail: Kennedy Road to Mid-Way/Dixie”

Etobicoke Creek Trail: Mid-Way/Dixie to Lake Ontario

Today I cycled the Etobicoke Creek Trail, from Mid-Way/Dixie to Lake Ontario, with eight fellow cyclists, one of whom I have known since Grade 7, the rest who I have met through cycling advocacy, community rides and cyclists I know introducing me to other cyclists. It was a hot, humid day, but some sections of theContinue reading “Etobicoke Creek Trail: Mid-Way/Dixie to Lake Ontario”