We had a great variety of temperatures for our trip this week. I brought one pair of bike shorts, one pair of long cycling tights, and one pair of fleecy winter cycling tights. I wore all three. Today I wore the winter ones. Since we are returning to Brampton today we decided to just doContinue reading “Prince Edward County – Day 5 – Trenton via The Millenium Trail”
Category Archives: Prince Edward County
Prince Edward County – Day 4 – Millenium Trail to Wellington
The sun came out just before 9am this morning, and looked quite lovely under the mostly cloudy sky. Over the day we had a few moments when the sun emerged again, but it was mostly overcast. Oakley continues to be anxious, and has been chewing her leg. We found some tape and wrapped it upContinue reading “Prince Edward County – Day 4 – Millenium Trail to Wellington”
Prince Edward County – Day 3 – Codrington to Campbellford
Two years ago when we were in Peterborough, I planned a ride to Ranney Gorge, but we had more rides planned than we had days, and on the final day when choosing where to ride, none of us felt like a gran fondo, a 100 km ride. When planning this trip I recalled Ranney Gorge,Continue reading “Prince Edward County – Day 3 – Codrington to Campbellford”
Prince Edward County – Day 2 – Base 31, Picton, and Lake on the Mountain
We had a slow start this morning: the weather was a lovely 18° by the time we set out. We drove about 40 minutes east to Base31 where we parked and started our ride. Base31 operated as a military air training base until 1969. The site was acquired by PEC Community Partners in December 2021.Continue reading “Prince Edward County – Day 2 – Base 31, Picton, and Lake on the Mountain”
Prince Edward County – Day 1 – Travel Day and Trenton
Cindy and Oakley picked me up just after 1030. It’s was a cool and rainy day, and forecast to stay that way all day, so we weren’t in a particular hurry. We have come to Cindy’s sister’s new home near Carrying Place in Prince Edward County to dog sit Oakley. Oakley stayed in Brampton withContinue reading “Prince Edward County – Day 1 – Travel Day and Trenton”