Prince Edward County – Day 1 – Travel Day and Trenton

Cindy and Oakley picked me up just after 1030. It’s was a cool and rainy day, and forecast to stay that way all day, so we weren’t in a particular hurry. We have come to Cindy’s sister’s new home near Carrying Place in Prince Edward County to dog sit Oakley. Oakley stayed in Brampton with Cindy since Sunday when her sister dropped her off on the way to the airport.

Here we are ready to start our latest adventure.

Poor Oakley was feeling rather anxious. She cuddled up on my lap for the drive, but trembled for the first hour. 

It was still raining when we arrived, but they have a nice garage that was big enough for us to pull in to unload out of the rain, and close the door, even with the bikes still on the car.

We unpacked and had lunch and then took Oakley for a short walk in moderately heavy rain. Oakley didn’t like it anymore than we did.

We then decided to drive 10 km to Trenton to a coffee shop, rather than ride our bikes on the limestone screening Millenium Trail that goes right behind the house to Trenton, to the north, and Picton to the southeast, because we neither of us felt like a cold rainy ride. We had coffee at The Grind and Vine. It was good.

We parked next door, where it appears they have a permanent covered farmers’ market.

This is Trenton’s Main Street.

We had dinner back at the house and a relaxing evening. The rain has stopped and the next couple of days look like great riding days, especially for the end of October.

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