Today we didn’t plan an outing. Michael and I cooked a big breakfast of waffles, sausages, bacon and eggs. Our friend’s children always ask for it when they visit us. It has become a tradition. By the time breakfast was prepared, consumed and cleaned up most of the morning had passed. Instead of heading outContinue reading “Saturday August 23 – Nostalgic Play Day”
Tag Archives: hunter
Chinguacousy Park
This morning I rode my road bike to physiotherapy for my wrist. The round trip which normally takes just over an hour took 43 minutes. I love how much faster I can get around on my new bike. What I don’t love is the learning process for riding with clipped in shoes. I had myContinue reading “Chinguacousy Park”
Great Summer Day
My friend Victoria and her children from St. Thomas are visiting us this week. One of the activities we always do when they visit is go for a bike ride. Here we are about to head out. It always surprises me how long it takes us to get going. Sunscreen needs to be applied. ShoesContinue reading “Great Summer Day”