Mont-Tremblant – Day 9 – Ottawa

Apologies dear readers for leaving yesterday’s blog on a cliffhanger and taking a few days to write today’s. We decided to take a walk before breakfast, to retrace last night’s walk, to try to find Cindy‘s key card. The first place we stopped was the bridge on Laurier Avenue over the canal where I sawContinue reading “Mont-Tremblant – Day 9 – Ottawa”

Mont-Tremblant – Day 8 – Ottawa

The heat wave was forecast to continue so we planned to do a 14 km ride I found on the “Ottawa Rural Routes” Ride with GPS account, followed by a visit to the air conditioned comfort of the National Gallery of Art. I love the spiral staircase at Laurier Avenue. We turned too soon asContinue reading “Mont-Tremblant – Day 8 – Ottawa”

Mont-Tremblant – Day 7 – St-Jovite, Montebello, and Ottawa

We packed everything up, loaded the car, drove to the sister resort to return our keys, and then parked in a the shady spot in Mont-Tremblant Village. It was already 25° and we were driving to Ottawa today so, we decided to just ride back to St-Jovite for a coffee, and to experience an enjoyableContinue reading “Mont-Tremblant – Day 7 – St-Jovite, Montebello, and Ottawa”

Mont-Tremblant – Day 6 – St-Jovite, Sentier des Cimes, Centre des villégiature Tremblant

It was already hot by the time we were ready to ride from the apartment this morning. There are two buildings and a swimming pool on the site. The one behind us has outdoor staircases, but ours does not. We were heading for Sentier des Cimes, a tree top walk in Mont-Tremblant National Park. ItContinue reading “Mont-Tremblant – Day 6 – St-Jovite, Sentier des Cimes, Centre des villégiature Tremblant”

Mont-Tremblant – Day 5 – Guérette to Mont-Laurier

The day began with a flat tire for me, caused by breaking the valve when I tried to pump the tire up. Fortunately, it happened in the apartment and I was able to replace the tube relatively quickly. After breakfast in the apartment, we picked up lattes at a different café in the village. ThenContinue reading “Mont-Tremblant – Day 5 – Guérette to Mont-Laurier”

Mont-Tremblant – Day 4 – Nominingue to Guérette

We had breakfast in the apartment, then drove to the other resort to check in, then to a coffee shop Mont-Tremblant Village to get lattes to drink while we drove to Nominingue, which is the northernmost point to which we cycled to last fall. I get the sense that the trail hasn’t officially opened yet.Continue reading “Mont-Tremblant – Day 4 – Nominingue to Guérette”

Mont-Tremblant – Day 1-3 – And Cornwall

Cindy and I are heading out to complete the P’Tit Train du Nord, which is the 232 km, one way section, of the Route Vert 2 in Quebec. On the way, we will be stopping at my cousins’ in Cornwall, and on the way back, we will be stopping in Ottawa. Last fall on theContinue reading “Mont-Tremblant – Day 1-3 – And Cornwall”