Monday December 29 – Room Three Completed

We had hoped to be done the three room renovations by Christmas but lost a few weeks when Michael had to travel to the UK unexpectedly.  Trystan and Owen were able to move into Trystan’s new room on Christmas Eve.  We took Christmas Day off and got right back at it on Boxing Day asContinue reading “Monday December 29 – Room Three Completed”

Spray Paint, Fireplace Repairs and Ikea Cubbies

One day earlier this year, when I was wasting time pinning things on Pinterest rather than actually accomplishing anything, I came across a suggestion to have the paint store make up spray paint to match your wall colour.   I hate cold air returns.   If you leave them the original colour they stick out because theyContinue reading “Spray Paint, Fireplace Repairs and Ikea Cubbies”