Boring Recovery Weekend

My knee swelled up alarmingly as the evening progressed on Thursday after my fall from my bike.  I had a physiotherapy appointment for my wrist on Friday morning and consulted about my knee.  The therapist suggested I rest, elevate and ice it for 48 hours.  I was also advised to use a tensor bandage when I had to walk around.

The swelling had somewhat subsided when I awoke Friday but came back within minutes of getting out of bed.

Today, I have one large hard swelling below the knee cap and a large bruise reaching most of the way down my shin.  It really didn’t hurt much when it happened, but it has put me out of commission for days.


Megan and Alun have been telling me I should watch Parks and Recreation so I used this time to start watching it.  I’ve gotten through three seasons.  I didn’t find it very funny to begin, but it is improving with time.  I can identify with the character Chris who shows up at the end of season 2 who runs every day, has a resting heart rate of 28 and believes he will be the first human to live to be 150.

Trystan returned today after a week at the cottage with family friends.  They had cold wet weather, but managed to have fun anyway.  All of his clothes smell like wood smoke as they had a lot of fires to keep warm.  The Williams’ stayed for dinner before heading home to St. Thomas.  They  are coming back to stay with us for a few days on Wednesday.

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Owen and I played the Game of Life this evening.

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