Friday October 24 – Autumn and Les Miz

I had a lovely ride this morning to Downey’s Farm to see if I could catch a glimpse of my friend Gail leading a school group.  I was not disappointed and learned all about how pumpkins grow in Gail’s very entertaining fashion.  The kids loved her.

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In the afternoon I took a walk in the woods near my house to take some autumn pictures.  There is a lot of trash and graffiti in the woods, but when photographed carefully in the right light at the right time of year I can create quite magical images.

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In the evening Michael, Alun and I went to see his friend Taurian performing in the Etobicoke Musical Productions version of Les Miserables.  Aside from a few issues with the microphones, it was excellent.  Taurian was very impressive and we enjoyed watching him enormously.  You can see Taurian in a red and gold braid jacket here.  We had dinner at Boston Pizza beforehand.

Friday was the day the body of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, who was murdered while guarding the National War Memorial in Ottawa, was transported to his hometown of Hamilton.  We ended up on Highway 407 ahead of the hearse and witnessed the crowds on the bridges waiting to pay their respects.  It was quite poignant.

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