Brampton roads have been significantly overbuilt leading to speeding, aggressive driving, high building and maintenance cost due to the width of the roadway, stormwater management issues, and injuries and deaths among drivers, as well as vulnerable road users. The key strategy of Brampton’s Active Transportation Master Plan, which was passed unanimously in 2019, was toContinue reading “Bill 212 – Multi-use paths versus On-Road Bike Lanes”
Tag Archives: snow
Winter Getaway – February 1-3, 2015 – Part 1
I am almost two months late with this post and got out of the habit of blogging since late January. I am going to try to get back into it. Surprisingly, my two oldest teens both inquired why I had stopped blogging, which means they must have been reading my posts, which is as goodContinue reading “Winter Getaway – February 1-3, 2015 – Part 1”
Winter Getaway – February 1-3, 2015 – Part 2
I just haven’t been feeling like blogging lately, but I do want to keep it up for the very reasons I started blogging last summer: I am hoping that by reviewing my day and writing about it, the details will stick in my mind better. Failing that, I’ll be able to refer back to theContinue reading “Winter Getaway – February 1-3, 2015 – Part 2”
Carabram Park Community Ice Rink
I last wrote about my Community Ice Rink on December 11 when a group of us shovelled an area of 50×100 feet, during a snowstorm, to create banks in which to hold water when I flood. It took us 90 minutes, and it was too late, and I was too tired when we finished, toContinue reading “Carabram Park Community Ice Rink”
Sunday January 4 – Preparing Firewood
We’ve had a small amount of wood sitting in the garage for the years when the damper was broken and we weren’t using the fireplace, but it didn’t take long to burn through that with fires on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day and with Alun finding his inner pyromaniac yesterday and today. InContinue reading “Sunday January 4 – Preparing Firewood”
Saturday November 1 – Snow Day
The view that greeted me as I stepped out the door this morning brought a smile to my face. I love snow and I am looking forward to a cold, snowy winter so I can enjoy building and maintaining a community ice rink again. I love the sight of my two favourite seasons colliding. It’sContinue reading “Saturday November 1 – Snow Day”