Channelling my Inner Kindergarten Student

On Saturday January 24, the Brampton Quilters’ Guild, to which I have belonged for twelve years, ran a workshop on Journal Art Quilting taught by Sheree, in which we were shown has to use paint, muslin, fusible fabric and Tyvek to create fabric to use in journal quilts.  In the afternoon, we made a smallContinue reading “Channelling my Inner Kindergarten Student”

Finished Room Two of Three

We have finished turning my old sewing room into Trystan’s room.  Most of the furniture from Trystan’s and Owen’s old room has been moved to Trystan’s room.  Only one dresser and night table will move back.  When we have company Owen will temporarily move into Trystan’s room into the second bed and his room willContinue reading “Finished Room Two of Three”

Moving On to Room Two of Three

We are in the process of renovating three rooms in our home.  The children’s old playroom on the main floor has become my new sewing room.   I spent last week moving all the furniture and contents from the old sewing room, which will become Trystan’s bedroom, to the new sewing room.  I tried to organizeContinue reading “Moving On to Room Two of Three”

Renovations Finally Continue

Almost a month ago, I posted Renovations, a blog about moving my sewing room to the main floor playroom, Trystan to the bedroom sewing/guest room leaving Owen where he is and the boys each having their own room after sharing for seven years.  Our progress was interrupted by Michael having to fly to Britain unexpectedly. Continue reading “Renovations Finally Continue”