Thursday December 25 – Christmas Day

Each year as the children age we start Christmas Day later.  Compromises are still made – ten year old Owen would prefer 7am and seventeen year old Megan would prefer noon.  This year we settled on 9am. For the first time we didn’t leave out a snack for Santa.  Here is the tree just beforeContinue reading “Thursday December 25 – Christmas Day”

Finished Room Two of Three

We have finished turning my old sewing room into Trystan’s room.  Most of the furniture from Trystan’s and Owen’s old room has been moved to Trystan’s room.  Only one dresser and night table will move back.  When we have company Owen will temporarily move into Trystan’s room into the second bed and his room willContinue reading “Finished Room Two of Three”

Brampton’s Christmas Market

Last night Brampton’s third annual outdoor Christmas market began.  Michael, Trystan and I attended this evening.  It is not to often that we spend time with just Trystan on his own.   It was the first time we have been to the Christmas market.  When we arrived about 5:45 there were very few people around. WeContinue reading “Brampton’s Christmas Market”