Like Mother Like Daughter

My mom was a Home Economics teacher until I was born at which point she became a stay-at-home mom.  She sewed many of my clothes when I was growing up including my high school prom dress in 1984, which was probably the last item of clothing that she sewed for me.  I still have the dress and fit into it.  I will never wear it again, but still feel the need to keep it.

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When I was looking for the picture with the prom dress I found this one from 1982 with me wearing a homemade blouse.  Check out the phone!  Check out the wallpaper!  My parents moved house five years after this picture was taken and took the phone with them.  It’s still in use in Dad’s kitchen today.

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One of the bedrooms in our house was Mom’s sewing room/guest room.  I have always had a sewing room/guest room as well.  Recently my dad brought me the multi-drawer storage unit in which Mom kept all her sewing bits and bobs.  My mom was very fashionable and liked the house to be well coordinated, so she covered the storage unit with the wallpaper used in the sewing room so that it matched.  More great 70s wallpaper!

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It still had all the drawers, which I sorted through, keeping some things and throwing out others.  It still has the labels which slot into the front of the drawers (and were never used) and little dividers to make three sections in the small drawers.  I was concerned that the unit would be rusty under the wallpaper because of the stain along the front edge.

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Here I am part way through sorting my small sewing stuff which was previously stored in a bewildering array of boxes and drawers.

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It only took about 20 minutes to strip and clean up the glue.  It is in great shape underneath with no rust.

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Best of all it fits perfectly in front of my Quilting Arts magazines in the cubbies in my new sewing room.

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I was thinking of spray painting it to match the wall colour, but for now, I think it works well just as it is.  Finally, it is interesting to see that it is branded TECOMaster, which I have learned was the T. Eaton Company hardware house brand.  It was made in Denmark.  I am sure you wouldn’t find something like this today made anywhere other than in China.


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