Beating Fitbit at the Planned Obsolescence Game

About three years ago we bought a Fitbit Aria scale for $170 Canadian plus tax.  We had a scale that we had had for many years, and that still worked, but the allure of a scale that not only measured mass, but also calculated body fat percentage and BMI, and sent it to your FitbitContinue reading “Beating Fitbit at the Planned Obsolescence Game”

Day Out in Brampton

Today, I ventured out after  a few days of resting my injured leg.  Owen and I decided to go to the relatively new Mount Pleasant library branch and to run some errands. We drove to the Mount Pleasant neighbourhood in northwest Brampton which is a planned neighbourhood which  includes: a transit hub for GO TransitContinue reading “Day Out in Brampton”

“Be prepared to fall. Everyone one does.”

“Be prepared to fall. Everyone one does.”, Elaine told me in a comment on my Cars and Bikes post two days ago.  Last night I practiced getting my new cycling shoes into and out of the pedals, in the house against a wall.  This morning Owen and I called on his friend Emma and weContinue reading ““Be prepared to fall. Everyone one does.””