Sunday May 3 – Success Climbing the Escarpment

It was the Brampton Quilters’ Guild quilt show this weekend.  Trystan and I helped with set-up on Friday afternoon.  I am the photographer for the Guild and I photograph every quilt in the show.  I captured about a quarter of them on Friday. On Saturday afternoon, I returned, with Owen for my shift on  mini-quiltContinue reading “Sunday May 3 – Success Climbing the Escarpment”

My Green is Showing

Owen caught a cold and missed school last Friday.  I tried my best not to catch it, but Monday morning I woke up feeling terrible.  I didn’t have any colds in the fall 2013/winter 2014 cold season so perhaps I am a little more susceptible this year.  That seems to be how it goes forContinue reading “My Green is Showing”

“Be prepared to fall. Everyone one does.”

“Be prepared to fall. Everyone one does.”, Elaine told me in a comment on my Cars and Bikes post two days ago.  Last night I practiced getting my new cycling shoes into and out of the pedals, in the house against a wall.  This morning Owen and I called on his friend Emma and weContinue reading ““Be prepared to fall. Everyone one does.””